CCII简介 |
CCII国际设计网系CCII国际设计中心、创意中国产业研究院、纽约ADC国际艺术指导协会、首都企业形象研究会、798国际设计馆创办的合作交流平台。CCII以 |
“创意为公 设计立国”为核心理念,以CCII798国际设计学院、北京京华广告公司、北京首企文化传播有限公司为执行机构,以国际设计网、国际设计杂志为媒体 |
推广平台。自97年创建以来我们的理念是創意为公、創意增值、創意立国。CCII期望通过对国内外成功品牌形象及设计理念的分析与研究,努力探索出适合中国设 |
计展的生存之道,同时将优秀的国际设计成果介绍给中国的设计界与企业界。 |
CCII在北京京华广告公司和北京首企文化传播有限公司的大力支持下,已成功举办了 8 届国际双年奖、 以“ 创意为公、设计为民 ” 主题设计大赛、环 |
球设计明星挑战赛、国际设计论坛、纽约 ADC 年度创意奖作品巡回展等主题展览、品牌巡讲和设计管理研修班、国际设计沙龙以及出版发行等大型国际赛事与活动 |
CCII还采取会员制,并通过 CCII 国际设计网、国际设计杂志等媒体执行互动与沟通,提供最新设计资讯,实现共享,为中国设计师与国际设计界间的更多合作 |
CCII为配合国家实施创意产业政策,总结中国十余年的理论与实驗,攜同中央美院、上海、北京创意园区正式成立創意中国产业研究院、創意中国产业联盟。幷 |
已在 2004 年科博会上率先提出 “ 从中国制造到中国创造 ” 这一口号。北京京华广告公司和北京首企文化传播有限公司作为 CCII的研究与执行机构,我们长期 |
以 “ 创意为公 ” 为核心价值理念,对创意产业进行不斷探索与努力,并将其成果让创意产业从业者分享,力求为创意民众谋求福址。近十多年来 ,CCII 已经分 |
别在科博会与文博会上成功组织大型会展与论坛,不断传播 “ 创意为公,设计立国 ” 理念和价值观。
在此基础上, CCII 于新的一年开始推行明星制,通过国际国内的设计大赛以及相关活动,推选中国的设计明星,并通过国际品牌代言中心为相关创意产业项目 |
及创意产品代言,提升创意产品的经济效益及社会效益,同时提升创意行业地位。 |
CCII International Design Center is a collaborative design and media institution and the first organization to provide a platform for |
investigating China's creative industry. Since its inception in 1997, "create for the public, design for the nation" has been our core |
philosophy to promote appreciation for innovative design. |
For over a decade, CCII has been dedicated to exploring and researching both the image and design of successful brands in China and abroad, |
and to make further efforts to continually improve the creative industry by sharing our findings with leaders in design. We strive to bring |
excellence to business and design through our achievements, and to find the best ways for creative people to thrive amidst rapid growth and |
development in design in China. |
Through its membership system approach, CCII implements communication, interaction, and sharing among the international design community via |
its magazine, website, and other media by providing the latest news in design. This platform serves to train and supply a large number of |
talented designers as well as seek out and promote new generations by giving them more opportunities to directly communicate with designers |
outside of China. |
In just over ten years, CCII has hosted the 8th Annual International Logo Awards China, "Create for the public, design for the nation" and |
"Design for Life" theme competitions, Universal Design Star Challenge, International Design Forum, New York ADC annual traveling exhibition of |
work by recipients of its creative awards, as well as offered a training class in brand touring and design management, and a design salon and |
publication. |
We encourage creativity, innovation, and communication among design groups, new talent, and the greater design community to facilitate |
cooperation and development." |